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Dr. Asa K. Rennermalm


Åsa Rennermalm is an associate professor at the Department of Geography at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Her research interest is the hydrology of the Arctic region. Currently, she is discovering how water is transported and retained within the Greenland ice sheet to better understand how much meltwater escapes to the ocean and rising global sea levels. Her work involves modeling, satellite and in situ data analysis, and fieldwork. She has participated in several field expeditions to the Arctic, mainly Greenland.

Åsa joined Rutgers faculty in 2009. Before coming to Rutgers, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Geography at the University of California Los Angeles (advisor: Laurence C. Smith). Her Ph.D. is in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University (advisor: Eric F. Wood). Her master’s and undergraduate degrees are from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark (advisor: Henrik Soegaard).

Dissertation: Pan-Arctic Land Surface Hydrology: Patterns of Change and Global Implications. Advisor: E. F. Wood. Princeton University, 2008

Note:  Åsa [pronounced aw-suh] is a female first name in Sweden and Norway.

Curriculum Vitae


  • Shallow firn cores 1989–2019 in southwest Greenland's percolation zone reveal decreasing density and ice layer thickness after 2012, Åsa K. Rennermalm, Regine Hock, Federico Covi, Jing Xiao, Giovanni Corti, Jonathan Kingslake, Sasha Z. Leidman, Clément Miège, Michael Macferrin, Horst Machguth, Erich Osterberg, Takao Kameda, Joseph R. McConnell, 2021-10-19

    Journal of Glaciology
  • Terrain-Based Shadow Correction Method for Assessing Supraglacial Features on the Greenland Ice Sheet, Sasha. Z. Leidman, Åsa K. Rennermalm, Richard G. Lathrop and Matthew. G. Cooper, 2021-08-06

    Frontiers in Remote Sensing
  • Supraglacial River Forcing of Subglacial Water Storage and Diurnal Ice Sheet Motion, L. C. Smith, L. C. Andrews, L. H Pitcher, B. T. Overstreet, Åsa K. Rennermalm, M. G. Cooper, S. W. Cooley, J. C. Ryan, C. Miège, C. Kershner, C. E. Simpson, 2021-04-16

    Geophysical Research Letters
  • The Presence and Widespread Distribution of Dark Sediment in Greenland Ice Sheet Supraglacial Streams Implies Substantial Impact of Microbial Communities on Sediment Deposition and Albedo, Sasha Z. Leidman, Åsa K. Rennermalm, Rohi Muthyala, Qizhong Guo, Irina Overeem, 2021-01-16

    Geophysical Research Letters
  • Seasonal Variability in In-situ Supraglacial Streamflow and Drivers in Southwest Greenland in 2016, Rohi Muthyala, Åsa K. Rennermalm Sasha Z. Leidman, Matthew G. Cooper, Sarah W. Cooley, Laurence C. Smith, Dirk van As, 2020-11-27

    European Geosciences Union
  • Supraglacial river forcing of subglacial water storage and diurnal ice sheet motion, Laurence Smith, Lauren C Andrews, Lincoln H Pitcher, Brandon Overstreet, Asa K Rennermalm, Matthew G Cooper, Sarah R. Cooley, Jonathan C Ryan, Clément Miège, Charles Kershner, Claire E. Simpson, 2020-11-24

    Earth and Space Science Open Archive (ESSOAr)
  • Chemical weathering across the western foreland of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Deuerling, K.M., Martin, J.B., Martin, E.E., Abermann, J., Myreng, S.M., Petersen, D., Rennermalm, Å.K., 2019

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
  • Controls on the Transport of Meltwater From the Southern Greenland Ice Sheet in the Labrador Sea, Castelao, R.M., Luo, H., Oliver, H., Rennermalm, A.K., Tedesco, M., Bracco, A., Yager, P.L., Mote, T.L., Medeiros, P.M., 2019

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
  • Southeast Greenland Winter Precipitation Strongly Linked to the Icelandic Low Position, Mira Berdahl, Asa Rennermalm, Arno Hammann, John Mioduszweski, Sultan Hameed, Marco Tedesco, Julienne Stroeve, Thomas Mote, Tomoko Koyama, and Joseph R. McConnell, 2018-06-01

    Journal of Climate

Awards & Distinctions

  • 2019: Kavli Fellow

    Kavli Frontiers of Science symposia bring together outstanding young scientists to discuss exciting advances and opportunities in a broad range of disciplines. The format encourages both one-on-one conversations and informal group discussions in which participants continue to communicate about insights gained from formal presentations and the excitement of learning about cutting-edge research in other fields. By doing so, Frontiers helps to remove communication barriers between fields and encourages collaborations.

  • 2019: Excellence in Teaching & Mentoring Award (Faculty) from the School of Graduate Studies

    The Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award recognizes graduate faculty who have made significant contributions to graduate education at Rutgers University. The Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award winner will receive a commemorative plaque at our annual Awards Ceremony.

  • 2018: First-Year Interest Group Seminars (FIGS) Mentors award

    We are committed to assisting students in making connections between their academic experience and career paths. We provide career-related resources to help individuals discover themselves, explore careers and academic pathways, develop skills, and pursue their post-graduate goals. We build relationships with external partners to optimize opportunities while creating strategic partnerships with campus departments to assist students in articulating co-curricular experiences that will make them competitive in their future pursuits.


  • Earth Systems
  • Advanced Geographic Information Systems
  • Advanced Physical Geography: Polar Environments
  • Advanced Physical Geography: Surface Water
  • Geographical Hydrology
  • Geographical Research Methods
  • Spatial Data Analysis
  • Geography Seminar: Glaciers and Climate Change (Graduate level)
  • Geographic Problems and Geography Seminar: The World in 2050 (Graduate and undergraduate level)