Appearances & Lectures
Below is a list of media appearances and public lectures I have done. If you have any questions, I can be contacted by using the button.
Media Appearances & Lectures
Dr. Asa Rennermalm gives an NSIDC Cryosphere Seminar on "Decreasing density and ice layer volume in near-surface firn in southwest Greenland’s percolation zone, 2012-2019.”
Why are scientists currently studying this important phenomenon? Why is it important to continue to study the effects of the melting ice sheets? Dr. Åsa Rennermalm, an Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director of Geography at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, speaks of her research interests in hydrology, climatology, and the Arctic Region and highlights the importance of her discoveries. She will discuss some of her research and climate change with us and why it’s important to bring global awareness.